Low Testosterone Therapy

Low Testosterone Therapy

Low testosterone can be treated with testosterone therapy. This means that you use an external treatment to provide your body with extra testosterone. The testosterone therapy does not replace what your body makes; it just tops it up so you have more sufficient levels.

The first thing to consider is if you want to use a synthetic testosterone or a natural testosterone product. Synthetic testosterone is not the same as the testosterone you produce in your body so your body doesn't absorb and react to it in the same way as natural bioidentical testosterone does.

Testosterone therapy comes in a few different forms. There are testosterone skin patches, testosterone injections, testosterone creams and gels and of course testosterone oral supplements. Discuss with your doctor which treatment works best for you. All of them have pros and cons.

Testosterone Patches
Testosterone patches are used daily and replaced after 24 hours. They need to be applied to an area of skin that does not have hair and does not sweat too much. This is because the patch needs to stay sealed and firmly secure to the skin at all times otherwise it doesn't work. Many patches cannot be placed over the same area of skin for 7 days. They are not the most popular form of testosterone replacement therapy because of these reasons but they are easy to apply, easy to replace and are not as invasive as testosterone injections.
Testosterone Injections
Testosterone injections are given by your local doctor or nurse. You cannot administer the injection yourself so expect regular trips to the doctor. Injections are done a few times a month but the effect of each injection starts peaking right away and then declines after 4 days. Therefore, don’t expect steady testosterone levels throughout the month because they fall and peak so much in between the injections. While visiting the doctor so often is annoying, you don’t need to remember you testosterone every day. This is a major advantage of testosterone injections and one of the reasons why they are so popular.
Topical Testosterone
Topical testosterone therapy is another popular choice of testosterone replacement therapy. There not many bad things to say about the gels and testosterone creams available. Topical testosterone is applied daily, normally in the morning. You can do it yourself without visiting the doctor and it’s not invasive. This is one of the best ways to keep your testosterone levels steady throughout the month. A morning application is enough to see you through to the next day when the next dose is applied in the morning. Just remember to use a bioidentical testosterone cream over a synthetic one to get the best results
Oral Testosterone
Oral testosterone supplements are more popular with body builders than with men or women suffering from genuine low testosterone problems. They do work but not it’s better to use a cream or injection that goes more directly into the blood stream. Also, testosterone supplements are not normally bioidentical testosterone. If you are going to use testosterone therapy, you might as well use a therapy that gets to the point quickly and effectively. Bioidentical testosterone is absorbed faster and more effectively into the blood stream and generally the body reacts much better to it.
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